Author Archives: Ann Mack

Why sleep under a Silk Duvet?

Although silk is a widely recognized fibre ( in fact its a protein not a fibre ) , not many people have had the opportunity to sleep under it. How to describe it. Light? Yes, that it is, almost impossibly so. Its hard to imagine that such a thin layer would have any chance of […]

I want to buy a new duvet / duvet cover / pillow / bed-linen, how do I choose?

As a consumer today, it can be overwhelming when faced with the plethora of choice  “out there “. Who do you trust? The large chain-stores who sell retail quality bedding? We focus on providing hospitality quality which has a much higher specification that retail quality…so it lasts longer…and launders better. From our point of view, […]

Mohair, a South African success story

Mohair has a history that stretches back thousands of years. Mohair- or the fleece of the Angora Goat – is thought to have originated in the Himalayan Mountains in Tibet.  Today mohair is one of the most luxurious fibres used extensively in the production of throws, blankets , snoods and scarves. Mohair is a natural […]

Is AnnMack Home cotton percale bedding really so special?

This is a question I am asked at least once a week. The public is wary, having previously purchased bedding from major retailers, they find it hard to believe that good, old fashioned quality percale is available, I mean, where does one look? The common complaint from customers is that their percale sheets don’t last, […]

How to keep your white percale white!

White 100% cotton percale needs to be washed in hot water in order to remain white . If your white percale is a little less than lovely, wash it at a really hot temperature  for one wash ( 90 degrees) and see what happens. We recommend at least 50 degrees every third wash and 30-40 […]